Friday 21 August 2009


Fable by El Greco, c. 1570-75


  1. El Greco is one of my favorite painters, Ninon.
    I hope you've had a relaxing summer. So hard to believe that fall is almost here. Hope all is well with you, dear friend. I have been busier than usual these past few months and have not been blogging quite as often, you may have noticed. Lots of new things on the horizon. Wishing you a happy week.

  2. Dear Catherine,

    Thanks for your comment! I like El Greco too, especially this painting, it has such a special atmosphere.
    And I'm glad fall is here :) I like that the school has started again, and that I'm back in my old rythm. Unfortunately, my summer hasn't been that relaxing, due to a sudden illness my mother got, but happily, she's beginning to be well again now and will hopefully be able to work again soon.

    But I hope you've had a great summer, which I assume you did have, seeing your wonderful posts :)

    Wishing you a happy week too,

